Lakeshore Sunrise
Lakeshore Sunrise:
The Lakeshore Sunrise Pattern was inspired by the Prismatic Star block. It is part of a series of quilts that use the Prismatic Star Diamond in a variety of Lone Star and Exploded Star layouts! This version incorporates a Circling Geese Border and large background pieces allowing for more open space that is often requested in our designs by those that love great long-arm quilting to accent your designs. The cover quilt was designed with Judy and Judel Niemeyer’s latest Tonga batik fabric collection from Timeless Treasures, which is in stores now, called Lakeshore. Watch for this design in Quiltster, with growing options to switch out the Lone Star layout, have a variety of blocks to circle the center, and even some new border options! A digitized quilting design by is also available with this pattern along with replacement papers if you want to make a second sample.